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Searching for Documents




DocuNECT Lifecycle provides three levels of search that fits different skill sets of the user and the complexity of the search.


Global Search

Basic Search

Advanced Search




When discussing document searching there are three pieces of information DocuNECT needs for all searches:


Index Value – The index field to be searched

Criteria – The index value to be searched

Operator – For more than one criteria an operator is required which describes how the values are to be searched together

Condition – The condition the value is to be searched by




Global Search

DocuNECT can create a Document Name attribute which is a combination of index values defined at the cabinet level. The global search will search in all cabinets for values contained in the indexes and also the content of the document itself. The global search is accessible either at the top of the application in the header, or in the Using the Lifecycle Dashboard.


The global search is located on the main menu bar.


The search results are slightly different than the Basic and Advanced searches and it is performed across all cabinets you have permission to so the indexes will be different per cabinet and are display in one row as shown below:




Basic Search

The basic search, or default search, provides a method to search for document by their index data (both business and system indexes), and/or the content. The condition is always contains and the operator defaults to OR but can be changed to AND.




Advanced Search

The advanced search allows more complex searches to be created.



The advanced search supports the following features:


Different operators can be specified for each index data. For example, search for all documents where the Document Name contains Training OR the Category is Meeting Minutes AND the text contains the word Tutorial.

Negative operators are supported. For example, search for all documents where the Document Name does NOT contain the word Training.

The advanced search provides more flexibility with the condition for the different types of indexes fields (either Text, Numeric or Date)

For Text index fields, specify:


Is Exactly

Is empty

For Numeric index fields, specify:


Is at Most

Is at Least

Is More Than

Is Less Than

Is Between


For Date index fields, specify:



On or After

On or Before





In The Last 7 Days

In The Next 7 Days

Last Week

This Week

Last Month

Next Month




The Search Results

The search results are displayed columns and display the icon of the document format. A glasses icon is used to indicate whether document viewing is supported. The remaining columns display the business and system indexes. Icons are displayed indicating whether the document is currently checked out, has comments against it, or is in a workflow.



Hovering over the check-out, comments, or workflow icons will display more information.


By right-hand clicking on the document, a list of document actions is displayed.



DocuNECT can also thumbnail images in the search results as shown below:



The Using Document Actions page provides more information on the different actions available.




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