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Managing Batches




Documents can also be indexed in batches, which is useful for tracking large volumes of documents. When documents are loaded into DocuNECT from any application they are added to a batch. The batch can have different status to indicate where it is in the document lifecycle.



Accessing the Work Center

Click on the Work menu, and the available batch will be displayed for all cabinets.




The Batch Manager

DocuNECT is designed to manage large volumes of documents to the batch manager can display a number of batches at any particular time. By default the manager displays only the batches that are currently active.



You can also change the filter to display batches in a different status:




Creating a Custom Batch Report

From the batch manager click on the Custom Report link and the report definition screen is displayed. Select the fields you want to include in the report:




On pressing the Submit button the report will be generated in a PDF format and displayed in the browser:




Editing the Batch Information

You can edit the batch information to change the status of the batch and also provide a label for reference purposes.





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