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Classifying Documents using DocuNECT Web




There are two main tasks with classification, you are either reviewing the classification made by the business rules, or manually classifying the documents. This behavior depends on how the lifecycle was configured. Batches that require classification review have a batch status in the Work Center batch list of Ready for Classification. Note, if you returning to a batch that you have previously started then the batch status will be Partially Classified.


To classify a batch click on the Process link as show below:





Classification Overview



If the documents are in an image format (Adobe PDF, TIFF, BMP, PNG or JPEG) then thumbnails will be displayed. Depending on how your environment is setup you can update indexing values in the classification module itself. The screenshot below shows document Category as a classification index value:




If the lifecycle you are using has been setup for automatic classification then the index value may be populated with a confidence value next to it.



Reviewing Documents

You can manipulate the pages within a document by dragging and dropping the pages:




Use the menu icons:


Menu Icon


Displays small page thumbnails.

Displays large page thumbnails.

Accepts the current document.

Accepts all documents in the batch.

Rejects the current document.

Rejects all documents in the batch.

If a document needs to be separated, this option will create a new document from the currently selected thumbnail onward.

Rejects all documents in the batch.

Create a document from selected pages.

Replace the currently selected page:

Deletes the currently selected pages.

Reverts the changes made to the documents within the batch.

Exits the classification module. If all the documents in the batch have been accepted then the batch moved on to the next stage in the lifecycle. If there are documents that have not been accepted, then exiting the batch will keep the status to Partially Classified so it can be processed at a later time.





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